The iPhone revolutionized the cell phone and digital industries with its thin, sleek design. People no longer had to carry around bulky bricks in their pocket and loved the slim design. They were no longer limited by utility or style. Before that, televisions underwent a pivotal evolution from bulky to beautiful with the dawn of LED technology. Likewise, because of previous, outdated technology, lighting designs have been significantly limited. Traditional bulbs and ballasts forced lighting designers to accommodate bulkiness, sacrificing creative integrity and potential innovation. However, LED lighting has provided the ultimate opportunity for designers to refresh their designs with its seemingly limitless versatility.LED lights can be ultra thin and smaller than traditional light bulbs, allowing the consequent lighting designs to be more chic and modernized. The designs can be much more generous with their fluidity, flexibility, and style. It’s made exceptionally innovative designs, like the ones found at VONN Lighting, possible. LED technology also enables elegant lighting designs to be possible without sacrificing technological advances. Circular designs that twist and loop can illuminate the room without needing bulky bulbs or emitting obnoxious heat. Additionally, such designs and light fixtures have up to 50,000 hours in their lifespan — significantly more than traditional bulbs that burnt out easily and often. Updating your home with LED light bulbs or new LED fixtures is an extremely easy and cost effective way to bring your home into the 21st century. You upgraded your phone and television to match the modern world — now it’s time to give your lighting a turn at a stylish modernization. Reliable, ultra-slim LED bulbs placed in uniquely brilliant housings will give your home an edge that will make your family, friends, neighbors, and/or clients gaze in admiration. With VONN fixtures, your home will stand out from homes with traditional lighting. Not only will it be noticeably more stylish, but also better lit for a longer duration.Transforming your home into a modern oasis of interior design is possible just by updating the lights. LED lighting has made virtually any lighting design possible; there’s something for every taste and every style. Ceiling fixtures suitable for offices, commercial spaces, home, and even restaurants are being carefully designed and crafted to maximize technological efficiency and aesthetic. Browse our inventory of these fixtures online to see exactly how far LED lighting technology has come!