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Why LED lights are the best

Lighting has come a long way from ancient torches and fuel lamps. As Thomas Edison would have had it, modern-day lighting is more practical and affordable than ever; still, we cannot help but seek new ways to improve our energy efficiency. With the average family spending an average of $5000 annually on their light bill, we'd say there's sufficient room for refinement, which brings us to LED lights - the impressive stride from incandescent bulbs. Light emitting diodes are the latest development in the lighting game bringing over ten benefits to energy consumers. To say that this technology is a game-changer would be merely understating. 

Top six benefits of using LED lights

LED lights have been the hype for a minute, yet not many understand the fuss. While breaking down the science is one way to get there, understanding the upsides of light-emitting diodes is the more practical approach. By understanding what these lights offer, you'll be able to deduce their worthiness and make the call on whether or not you want to dive into the complexity of how they work. So, what are these indispensable pros to LED bulbs? Read on to find out.

Energy efficiency

LEDs are notoriously energy efficient, with retrofit projects proving a 60-75% improvement. How do they achieve this? Through their low voltage operation and design, light emitting diodes save on hourly terawatt consumption, significantly cutting your electricity bill. Additionally, LED lights are designed to emit directional illuminance and produce less heat, unlike incandescent and fluorescent bulbs; this makes them an energy-conscious choice for property owners.


Light emitting diodes have an extended life thanks to their long operating hours. Pulling up to 100,000 hours of use, LEDs outlive incandescent bulbs 40 times and beat metal halides about 2-4 times. While this may not sound like much, the longer operating hours translate into fewer replacements, reducing maintenance costs for the user. That aside, these new-age bulbs have shown tremendous resistance to vibrations and cold temperatures, adding to their longevity and affordable upkeep.

Design flexibility

LEDs are typically small, most measuring as little as a millimeter square. Ordinarily, these minuscule sizes make them immensely adaptable to various spectrums. First, light-emitting diodes effortlessly blend in with expansive and constricted spaces without sticking out. Second, these bulbs have the design flexibility to morph with any lighting structure, from chandeliers to bollards and pendants. Other notable design features of LEDs would be their wide color and temperature range as well as intelligence; perks you can't get with traditional lights.

Environmental friendly

From their energy efficiency to their lack of IR and UV emissions, LEDs make an impressively green choice for property owners. Unlike their predecessors, these lights have been designed to convert most energy into visible illumination rather than heat and ultraviolet radiation, making them less hazardous to the environment. Identically, their energy efficiency and durability aspects build on the green factor by reducing wastage.

Improved CRI

Contrary to what you'd expect, LED bulbs' energy efficiency does not undermine the quality of their visibility spectrum. Light emitting diodes boast an exceptional color rendering index between 65 and 95; by CRI standard, this is excellent quality. Remember, CRI is the measure of an illumination structure's ability to reveal an object's actual color- therefore, a higher CRI like that of LEDs translates into excellent visibility quality. 

Final thoughts

Lighting is a sine qua non of the modern-day world as it paves the way for improved performance and comfort in commercial and residential spaces. While that's quite the deal, there's no denying illuminance costs a chunk. Lighting contributes approximately 30% to our monthly bills, which is admittedly one of the segments in our lives that could do with subsidizing. To square this point, LED lights provide a safe, practical, efficient, and reliable alternative to energy consumers- and it's nothing like traditional lighting technologies. Now that sounds like a deal worth signing up for!